

Benefits of sleeping for 8 hours

As we know sleep have very big effect on our daily routine , if we don't have proper sleep full day we feel tired and mood becomes irritable and depressed Sleeping have very big effect on our brain , when we sleep our brain get enough supply of blood and it helps in keeping our brain from brain stroke  According to new scientific studies done in Taiwan states than coronary heart disease and myocardial infarction are more common who sleep less than 4 hrs When we sleep properly our brain get refreshed, and our hormones which are secreted in our brain play important role in healthy body and healthy mind

Cholesterol - Facts

Cholesterol! Cholesterol! Cholesterol! The number on killer disease is  Heart disease. Everyone gets stress when hears the name of cholesterol so what is cholesterol ? why  everyone fears by name of cholesterol ? is the cholesterol is toxin? From where does cholesterol come from?  How cholesterol is harmful to humon? Why cholesterol is supposed to be cause of heart disesase? Why doctors give cholesterol lowering drug? What are  the factor which increases the level of cholesterol? Lets Answer All This Questions  What everyone needs to understand that cholesterol is not toxin as cholesterol is part of defense mechanism of our body Cholesterol Everyone of us when hear the name of cholesterol our mind point towards heart blockage,high blood pressure and heart failure  Today I will tell you some interesting facts about cholesterol that everyone should know because In today's world some profit minded people recommend huge amount  for lowering cholesterol drugs by showing
Benefits Of Walking According to Harvard heart letter. Exercise burn calories. In case of walking and running. The calories you burn depend much more on distance you cover and your body weight than on your pace. Walking is simple and natural ,it doesn't require any instructions or skill . It can be very modest form of exercise. You can walk alone for solitude or with friends for companionship. You can  walk indoors on treadmill or outside in the city or county, at home or away. You can get all benefits of moderate exercise with a very low risk of injury. Walking is inexpensible In a scientific update of your highschool's coach's slogan " no pain ,no gain" , the doctrine holds that the benefits of exercise depend on working hard to boost your heart rate to 70 to 85% of it's maximum. Sustaining that effort continuously for 20 to 60 min and repeating at least 3 times a week . walking is helathy for cardiac health Hundreds of medical studies sho

Benefits Of Green Tea

Benefits Of Green Tea Green tea ! Green tea! Green tea! Everyone of us know the name of Green tea but few people know the health benefits Of Green Tea. Green Tea is a healthy option than coffee.Green Tea is full of Antioxidants, Green tea helps in speeding up metabolism it also helps in strengthen the enamel of tooth and detoxification of body.                             Green tea helps in mainitaining healthy circulatory system it also helps in protecting the heart from disesases, Green tea helps in lowering the cholesterol.Green tea helps in  delaying the symptoms of aging i.e. it keeps your skin healthy.some studies also shown that Green tea helps in reducing risk of cancer. Green tea helps in toning the Muscle and skin. Green tea helps in building stamina and also helps in eliminating hangover. Green tea reduces plaque and bacteria in mouth. Green tea helps in prevention of food poisoning. Green tea helps in lowering the blood sugar level.

Banana- Health Booster

Banana- Health Booster Banana is a energy booster ,giving two banans to your body will give you enough energy to workout for one hour and half. After midday meal forget Coffee and take bananas as it is good option for you beacause coffee contains caffeine and this caffeine is a drug beacause when you don't take coffee you feel anxiety and sometimes banana is healthy option without dramatic crash caused by caffeine.                       1) Potassium Bananas are rich in potassium. Potassium helps in body circulatory system to deliver oxygen to brain. Potassium helps in regulating heartbeat. Potassium helps in keeping proper balance of water in body, Potassium helps in reducing likelihood of strole and blood pressure                             2)Mood Enhancer                                                   Bananas are good for Mood Enhancing as they contain Amino acid called tryptophan, tryptophan is necessary for production of serotonin [a mood reg
Honey- Nature's Creation       Honey!  A sweet viscous substance produced by bees they produce it by regurgitation and water evaporation. Honey has many health benefits ,today we will talk about 3 main benefits of consuming honey. 1)lower blood pressure Honey is good for your heart. As honey is rich in Antioxidants, honey contains organic acids and phenolic compounds. Honey helps in increasing the level of good cholesterol ( HDL) and thus decreasing the level of bad cholesterol (LDL). By reducing the level of bad cholesterol (LDL)  honey helps in mainitaining blood pressure normal and keeping heart healthy. 2)Cure cough According to science, coughing is not bad as coughing is defense mechanism of body. When person cough his body tries to throw out some bacteia or viruses. Cough is common problem in children and adults due to upper respiratory infection. Cough can affect the regular life due to cough it can affect quality of sleep. Honey  has  a

Turmeric- more than spice

Turmeric- more than spice              We use turmeric in our day to day life ,our kitchen of spices is incomplete without turmeric so what is in turmeric  that makes it to add in every dish We will discuss  There are lots of benefits of turmeric but we will discuss three major benefits of turmeric 1)Natural skin brightner Turmeric naturally have skin healing properties. From thousands of years ago turmeric is used for skin health. In India turmeric is used before marriage for healthy and bright skin. from ancient times turmeric is used on injury to skin as they believed to that turmeric heals the injury and today science tells that turmeric is good for injury as it has antibacterial properties and antiinflammatories properties. 2) heart healthy In world number one death causing disease is heart disease. turmeric is rich in Antioxidants. Antioxidants are very important if someone wants to stay away from heart disease. Turmeric contains curcumin this curcum
3  Great benefits of Groundnut Groundnut                       Everyone of us is familiar with 'Groundnut'. But everyone is not interested in eating  Raw groundnut. People like to cosume groundnut as fried with oil, actually people don't know benefits of eating raw groundnut 1)High protein Protein is essential part of diet , protein helps in building the body as in our body cells get damaged or they need to be repaired , protein do it for them. we  can  take protein through groundnut Most of healthcare doctors recommend groundnut for children adults and vegetarian people  as groundnut is rich in protein 2)Rich in Antioxidants Antioxidants has very importance in humon health as it helps humon to stay away from cardiovascular disesases such as CAD [Coronary artery disease] .CAD is number one cause of death in America. When there is high cholesterol in blood, Antioxidants helps to reduce bad cholesterol[LDL] and having some groundnut in diet helps to i