
Benefits of sleeping for 8 hours

As we know sleep have very big effect on our daily routine , if we don't have proper sleep full day we feel tired and mood becomes irritable and depressed Sleeping have very big effect on our brain , when we sleep our brain get enough supply of blood and it helps in keeping our brain from brain stroke  According to new scientific studies done in Taiwan states than coronary heart disease and myocardial infarction are more common who sleep less than 4 hrs When we sleep properly our brain get refreshed, and our hormones which are secreted in our brain play important role in healthy body and healthy mind
Benefits Of Walking

According to Harvard heart letter.

Exercise burn calories. In case of walking and running. The calories you burn depend much more on distance you cover and your body weight than on your pace.

Walking is simple and natural ,it doesn't require any instructions or skill . It can be very modest form of exercise. You can walk alone for solitude or with friends for companionship. You can  walk indoors on treadmill or outside in the city or county, at home or away. You can get all benefits of moderate exercise with a very low risk of injury. Walking is inexpensible

In a scientific update of your highschool's coach's slogan " no pain ,no gain" , the doctrine holds that the benefits of exercise depend on working hard to boost your heart rate to 70 to 85% of it's maximum. Sustaining that effort continuously for 20 to 60 min and repeating at least 3 times a week . walking is helathy for cardiac health

Hundreds of medical studies show that regular exercise is good for your health . In report include finding from medical studies walking reduced cardiovascular events by 31% and cut the risk of dying by 32%

Walking improves cardiac risk factors such as cholesterol , blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, vascular stiffness and inflammation and mental stress

Walking on streets and trails is superb for health and so is walking upstairs.

            Stay healthy! Get Better!
