
Benefits of sleeping for 8 hours

As we know sleep have very big effect on our daily routine , if we don't have proper sleep full day we feel tired and mood becomes irritable and depressed Sleeping have very big effect on our brain , when we sleep our brain get enough supply of blood and it helps in keeping our brain from brain stroke  According to new scientific studies done in Taiwan states than coronary heart disease and myocardial infarction are more common who sleep less than 4 hrs When we sleep properly our brain get refreshed, and our hormones which are secreted in our brain play important role in healthy body and healthy mind

Turmeric- more than spice

Turmeric- more than spice
We use turmeric in our day to day life ,our kitchen of spices is incomplete without turmeric so what is in turmeric  that makes it to add in every dish
We will discuss 
There are lots of benefits of turmeric but we will discuss three major benefits of turmeric

1)Natural skin brightner

Turmeric naturally have skin healing properties. From thousands of years ago turmeric is used for skin health. In India turmeric is used before marriage for healthy and bright skin. from ancient times turmeric is used on injury to skin as they believed to that turmeric heals the injury and today science tells that turmeric is good for injury as it has antibacterial properties and antiinflammatories properties.

2) heart healthy

In world number one death causing disease is heart disease. turmeric is rich in Antioxidants. Antioxidants are very important if someone wants to stay away from heart disease. Turmeric contains curcumin this curcumin contain compound curcuminoid. Curcuminoid is a Antioxidants.
When plaque gets deposited in artery.this plaque blocks the artey and may cause heart attack.
Antioxidants causes peroxidation of plaque and helps in lowering blood pressure. Turmeric helps in keeping overall health of heart good.

3) Natural Healer

Turmeric has natural healing properties.
In artery free radical causing the Inflammation in endothelial cells of artery is healed by turmeric
Turmeric helps in repairing of cells.
From thousands of years ago, turmeric is used for healing.
When there is injury on body ,people used to cover it by turmeric as they know turmeric is helpful in recoy of injury and today lots of scientific study reveals that when turmeric is used on injury, it saves body from bacterial infection on injury.

Stay healthy! Get Better!
