
Benefits of sleeping for 8 hours

As we know sleep have very big effect on our daily routine , if we don't have proper sleep full day we feel tired and mood becomes irritable and depressed Sleeping have very big effect on our brain , when we sleep our brain get enough supply of blood and it helps in keeping our brain from brain stroke  According to new scientific studies done in Taiwan states than coronary heart disease and myocardial infarction are more common who sleep less than 4 hrs When we sleep properly our brain get refreshed, and our hormones which are secreted in our brain play important role in healthy body and healthy mind

Cholesterol - Facts

Cholesterol! Cholesterol! Cholesterol!

The number on killer disease is  Heart disease. Everyone gets stress when hears the name of cholesterol so what is cholesterol ? why  everyone fears by name of cholesterol ? is the cholesterol is toxin? From where does cholesterol come from?  How cholesterol is harmful to humon? Why cholesterol is supposed to be cause of heart disesase? Why doctors give cholesterol lowering drug? What are  the factor which increases the level of cholesterol?

Lets Answer All This Questions

 What everyone needs to understand that cholesterol is not toxin as cholesterol is part of defense mechanism of our body
Everyone of us when hear the name of cholesterol our mind point towards heart blockage,high blood pressure and heart failure
 Today I will tell you some interesting facts about cholesterol that everyone should know because In today's world some profit minded people recommend huge amount  for lowering cholesterol drugs by showing them threat of death by heart failure
Number 1}What everyone should know that cholesterol is not problem in our body
Then What is the cholesterol The Answer is cholesterol is part of defense mechanism of our immune system
Then why doctor recommend and  people are concerned about lowering the cholesterol ?
Number 2}The most of doctors tell that  excess of cholesterol in our body can leads to your heart failure and  also leads to high blood pressure and high BP will leads you to be in coma[ coma is the condition in which  the person lost his consciousness and cannot do voluntary actions]
The main question is if cholesterol is so harmful why our body prdouce it?
The answer is to feed all organs in our body with nutrients our Heart pumps the blood with high blood pressure so manytimes the inner lining of the endothelium cells of artery gets damaged due to three main reasons 1) junk food intake 2)alcohol smoking 3)Stress
So microorganisms flowing in blood settles on damaged cells and causes inflammation so our brain sends signal to liver, to heal the inflammation ,
Brain send signal to liver to prepare collagen to repair the inflammation of cell, when collagen quantity is not enough in our body brain sends signal to liver to make synthesis of cholesterol,
responding to this signal liver produces a lipoprotein called cholesterol...and this cholesterol act  as bandage for this inflammation
Suppose if skin of hand gets damaged we use bandage for protection from germs but this aid is temporary, skin of hands need to be healed from inside.
Same things happen with cholesterol on damaged cells, the endothelium cells needs to be cured from inside. When this inflammation do not get cured from inside cholesterol gets deposited over there and this layer of cholesterol absorbs the calcium from blood make blood vessel more constricted.   

Very few doctors  will tell u that for the repairing of endothelium cells their is requirements of some nutrients this  nutrients are nitric oxide, vitamin c, vitamin k2

According to Noble prize winning science in 1998 scientist concluded that Nitric oxide is the key to cardiovascular health

  • according to the some studies Vitamin C helps in lower blood pressure
