
Benefits of sleeping for 8 hours

As we know sleep have very big effect on our daily routine , if we don't have proper sleep full day we feel tired and mood becomes irritable and depressed Sleeping have very big effect on our brain , when we sleep our brain get enough supply of blood and it helps in keeping our brain from brain stroke  According to new scientific studies done in Taiwan states than coronary heart disease and myocardial infarction are more common who sleep less than 4 hrs When we sleep properly our brain get refreshed, and our hormones which are secreted in our brain play important role in healthy body and healthy mind

Banana- Health Booster

Banana- Health Booster
Banana is a energy booster ,giving two banans to your body will give you enough energy to workout for one hour and half.
After midday meal forget Coffee and take bananas as it is good option for you beacause coffee contains caffeine and this caffeine is a drug beacause when you don't take coffee you feel anxiety and sometimes headache..so banana is healthy option without dramatic crash caused by caffeine.
            1) Potassium

Bananas are rich in potassium. Potassium helps in body circulatory system to deliver oxygen to brain. Potassium helps in regulating heartbeat. Potassium helps in keeping proper balance of water in body, Potassium helps in reducing likelihood of strole and blood pressure
                          2)Mood Enhancer
Bananas are good for Mood Enhancing as they contain Amino acid called tryptophan, tryptophan is necessary for production of serotonin [a mood regulating substance] which contribute to feeling of relaxation and happiness
According to some studies people suffering from depression after eating banana feels better.


Bananas are rich in Iron. People Suffering from deficiency of Iron bananas helps to give your body  the iron it needed , as a result they help in heamoglobin production so your blood clots faster in case of cuts or injury . So enjoy bananas

Stay healthy! Get Better!
