

Benefits of sleeping for 8 hours

As we know sleep have very big effect on our daily routine , if we don't have proper sleep full day we feel tired and mood becomes irritable and depressed Sleeping have very big effect on our brain , when we sleep our brain get enough supply of blood and it helps in keeping our brain from brain stroke  According to new scientific studies done in Taiwan states than coronary heart disease and myocardial infarction are more common who sleep less than 4 hrs When we sleep properly our brain get refreshed, and our hormones which are secreted in our brain play important role in healthy body and healthy mind
3  Great benefits of Groundnut Groundnut                       Everyone of us is familiar with 'Groundnut'. But everyone is not interested in eating  Raw groundnut. People like to cosume groundnut as fried with oil, actually people don't know benefits of eating raw groundnut 1)High protein Protein is essential part of diet , protein helps in building the body as in our body cells get damaged or they need to be repaired , protein do it for them. we  can  take protein through groundnut Most of healthcare doctors recommend groundnut for children adults and vegetarian people  as groundnut is rich in protein 2)Rich in Antioxidants Antioxidants has very importance in humon health as it helps humon to stay away from cardiovascular disesases such as CAD [Coronary artery disease] .CAD is number one cause of death in America. When there is high cholesterol in blood, Antioxidants helps to reduce bad cholesterol[LDL] and having some groundnut in diet helps to i
Lemon               Everyone of us is familiar with lemon . lemon is used in our  day to day life but we are unknown of health benefits of lemon. Lemon is a citrus fruit , from hundred of years ago Lemon is used as health remedy for lots of viral diseases.                         Lemon is citrus fruit rich in Vitamin C , one lemon per day gives 128% of daily dose , Vitamin C plays a very important role in boosting immune system, Vitamin C plays  important role in keeping body away from viral diseases like fever and cold                                              Excess belly fat leads to obesity and obesity can increases the chances of high blood pressure and this high blood pressure leads to heart diseases To stay away from Root cause of obesity,  acids in lemon cuts the belly fat                                                                    Lemon helps in removing black heads and wrinkles .using lemon for removing blackheads and wrinkles is cheap and